Monday, January 7, 2008

breif summary on law

most laws involving marijuana differ among states. there are a number of states today where medical marijuana is not allowed, but there are also states where it is allowed medically. the first government regulating of marijuana started in 1925. Transfer of marijuana became illegal in 1937 unless it was for medical or industrial use (in those cases it was heavily taxed). From 1952-1970 congress made mandatory 2-10 year sentencing for first time marijuana possession. The DEA was formed in 1973 to regulate drug trafficking. Recently state laws have have become less severe regarding marijuana possession. it will be interesting to see if this pattern continues in the future.


ssr said...

With the entire public focused on social responsibility and environmental issues, this proves for an interesting topic -- suggested title of "going green"
Nice work!

Money Maker said...

why is this subject so important to you. i cant understand why do you whant it to be leagalized, there is nothing good that comes from it. when people get (HI) from this drug they do stupid shit they can stab someone or get into car accidents and other dum stuff. so why are you trying to have it leagalized to get HI or for medical reasons

Spartan117 said...

i have to bring up a conflict that doesnt alcohol make you do dumb stuff and you could stab some one in a bar fight or break some ones back with a chair in a fight, and people still look past all the drunk driving accidents and try to hit on the "potheads". i have seen that under the influence people become more docile and melow when they get (Hi) im not saying it isnt a bad product because it doesn leed to other things but so doesn an angry alcoholic stumbling home after a loss from his team and his wife slaps him and he beats her you know, i have to say its not the same affect for every one getting (Hi) just like getting drunk. i think that they both cause enough of a change in your body to both either be legal or illegal.

Cap'n Fatback said...


Okay, sounds like a good summary. In the future, I'll show you how to link to appropriate sites. In the future, make sure your posts are at least 250 words long .


Alyssa S. Gartner said...

I think the topic could raise a lot of discussion on the different reasons on why the laws were brought into effect by the United States Government. As well as being a touchy subject matter, also believe it is a very logical matter to be discussed by everyday people. To know that cannabis was outlawed by propaganda purposes and no real case studies could raise a good point on the prohibition laws that were reversed in the early 1900's. Although alcohol is ten times more dangerous than marijuana, the government only allowed alcohol to be consumed again due to the fact they found a way to tax it. I believe a lot of controversy could be brought upon this subject.

zx6rider said...

Where does alcohol compare to marijuana. How many people are killed each year by drunk drivers compared to drivers under the influence of marijuana. I'm not saying that is should or shouldn't be legalized, I think that just because its considered a drug it was already black labeled by the government. Alcohol to me is more of a problem causing drug at this point.

KOE said...

Focus on the life of the user. I think it is bit sinnical to say that our government doesn't show care. Majority of the people in the US are against legalizing.

Anonymous said...

well i think this is pretty amazing. 2-10 years for 1st possession thats pretty harsh. The 60's and 70s was a big time for pot to. So i imagine that there were many people getting locked up. i don't think that getting high makes you stab people. people are saying that video games make people do dumb stuff to so are you going to make video games illegal to?